28 May Victory over Illness
Ask an Olympic athlete the value of a fraction of a second, it is said. But ask anyone of us, who’s had a dear one ill, the value of health – immeasurable is the deeply felt realisation.
Doctors have a battery of tests – technological tools – not all of them pleasant, to help proper diagnosis. That is one-third the battle. The other third is to help them arrive at the proper treatment. Self-evident one would have thought. But a lot of it is trial and error, a fine titration between the individual reaction, individual body of the patient, the skill, and perception of the doctor and his ability to change, adapt, modify. Having arrived at it to sustain the optimal treatment, patiently and with confidence is the last one third. The direction and results may seem uncertain and varying. Not to lose heart or positivity at this stage but to plod on as required until victory over illness.
Each body is different as doctors have realised more and more, as they move towards individualised treatment from standard protocols. It is the inner resources, resilience, the fortitude that count especially at this marking time stage both of the loved one and oneself. Victory will come, stay with it; persist in winning, agonisingly slow though it may be at times.
Add to this power of love, the power of prayer, and victory is inevitable.
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