Author: scroll

I remember an Israeli girl describing to an English girl in London, the intensity of an Israeli summer. How extremely hot it was and how she revelled in its unique feeling. I felt that she could have been describing an Indian summer. How does she...

Ask an Olympic athlete the value of a fraction of a second, it is said. But ask anyone of us, who’s had a dear one ill, the value of health – immeasurable is the deeply felt realisation. Doctors have a battery of tests – technological tools...

‘Tis the ides of March. In school it often reminded us of Caesar, Cassius and Brutus. Now as those classroom memories fade, we are still left with the blue skies this month has in Delhi, the soft breeze and the leaves in the wind. There...

The picture that comes to mind is a young man leaning forward slightly, with his hands behind his back, something clutched in them, with the possibility of a kiss, on his mind, walking towards a young woman, who in turn is walking towards him, also...

Since the time I was a small child, I have heard about and  seen photos of Jinnah at grand teas in our front lawn, sitting on sofas, immaculately dressed, talking either to my mother or my father Ramkrishna Dalmia.  At these parties the British Who's...

Montmartre is its own place in a city as special as Paris.  It is quite distinct from the rest of Paris though it is the 18th arondissement. There are artistes everywhere as one goes up the hill one is immediately aware that one has alighted...

The Victorians and early Edwardians were always very keen on visiting “the waters” whenever one felt unwell. It was felt that a visit to say Bath or Lake Geneva could refreshen and work wonders for one’s health. Some lucky folks, were considered “professional invalids” as...